Friday, July 19, 2024

Confusion’s Drag

It’s now a drag to be drag queen down in Tennessee
The state where being drag’s been made illegal as can be
Thanks to a judge appointed by who else but Donald Trump
If you're male there you cannot wear dresses to clothe your rump
Nor can you perform drag shows anywhere there legally
Because it’s now illegal to be drag in Tennessee.

Today’s poem was originally going to be about
Trump’s acceptance speech but reports of it caused much doubt
About how it went depending on the reports one read
Some claimed it reframed him as unity seeker instead
Of the complaining liar he has been since he began
Which other reports said came through after the new film flam.

So because no consistency about Trump’s speech appears
And this poet did not listen to it with his own ears
A decision was made to in today’s daily poem
Write about that which about which no confusion’s prone
So back to Tennessee we go to wrap things up by saying
To be drag there breaks the same law every report’s relaying.

19 July 2024

Drag is now illegal in Tennessee thanks to a judge appointed by Donald Trump

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