Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Crazy Town

With Joe Biden’s departure Crazy Town has come to dwell
In Trump’s brain where stability has never fared too well
Even before that brain’s new plunge to places deep within
To dredge up thoughts that baffle all and cause mass confusion.

Those latest thoughts from Crazy Town since Biden went away
Trump befuddled brain broadcast did bafflingly say
Something about “a fine and brilliant young man” and guess who
That fine and brilliant young man was? Crazy Town’s loosest screw!

Besides being the loosest screw Crazy Town brains have known
And using “fine and brilliant” to describe traits never shown
To dwell within the strangest whim Trump’s brain’s yet to declare
In its latest midnight meltdown is what isn’t there.

The craziest thing that’s not there and hasn’t been around
For decades in the 78 year old lifespan Trump’s found
To date is to equate “young man” as meltdown words have done
To a man who is many things but young’s clearly not one.

And so what should we make of midnight meltdown words Trump spewed?
“Self-delusion” could in less Crazy Town minds intrude
As a way to understand how an old fart could call
Himself a young man’s when he’s so not a young man at all.

Trump’s MAGA cult can argue that he’s “fine and brilliant” but
It’s hard to claim an old man’s young so their mouths they’ll keep shut
Until Trump claims his youth is  framed by longitivtiy
His great genes grant that make him still as young as can be.

23 July 2024

‘Crazy Town’: Donald Trump’s Baffling Midnight Meltdown Leaves Everyone Confused. https://flip.it/yRf7uU

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