Sunday, July 21, 2024


If you want to to convince voters that your Dear Leader is
An altered man because God’s plan saved him with that ear biz
Then you’d better convince him he’s best set “unity’s” scene
For longer than 10 minutes before reverting to mean
For 90 minutes more during which his normal tirade
Shows to every bored listener no change in him God made.

If you want to convince voters your guy’s a deity
Spared by God so President eternal he could be
Then you had better not let him of stolen votes complain
For an hour and a half with the same old refrain
He’s spewed in every rally unglued from reality
Using words so stale boredom prevails ultimately.

If you want to convince voters there’s been a miracle
Brought about by Angels sent by God to bullets pull
Two inches away from a brain vain enough to believe
A MAGA myth that hasn’t pulled a rabbit from the sleeve
Of toads trying to explain why Trump in blood didn’t drown
You’d better have an answer why God shot a MAGA down.

If you want to convince voters it was the destiny
Of a retired firefighter to angelically
Take a bullet God deflected from Trump’s stable brain
You has better be prepared with answers to explain
Questions like was it some kind of God-directed tap
That killed one MAGA so others could still hear the same crap?

20 July 2024

The MAGA myth that didn’t work…

Trump campaign official: Ex-president’s staff was ‘cringing’ during RNC speech.

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