Sunday, June 23, 2024

Empty Seats

Another half-assed rally with another half-full house
Of cultists who still believe lies told by the orange louse
Trump will again claim Philly fans were there in greater number
Than photos show how many heard him through tired lies lumber
About election robbery and fake fraud faux vote tallies
His same re-heated repeated crap served at all his rallies.

Another claim a lot more came to hear Trump whine and rail
Who don’t believe his guilty ass belongs one day in jail
Than anyone who did attend and all who did not see
The same old Trump show first hand but watched it on their TV
As long as they weren't watching Fox saw empty seats abounding
That Trump’s toads will claim were as full as seats there him surrounding.

And so it goes as each new rally ever less attracts
The mass numbers Trumps toads claim attend his rally attacks
Perhaps way back long years ago some mass crowds did appear
Back when Trump’s now tired complaints fell fresh on cultist ear
But absent crowds and empty seats denied by MAGA asses
Have been around since white tarps first hid nonexistent masses.

23 June 2024

The Felon’s Philadelphia Rally Sure Had A Lot Of Empty Seats

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