Saturday, May 18, 2024

Weird Position

She’s in a weird position as per press reporting but
It’s really not that weird at all for an ambitious slut
Who once was Trump’s ass kissing press secretary before
She ran on dad’s name to Arkansas’ governorship score
Wherein in that position she’s done nothing much of note
Except buy pricy podiums and kid’s workforces bloat.

So now she is being accused of having interest not
In governing the state in which her dad gave her her shot
Because she’s spending so much time trying to rise above
State politics and thus has given Arkansas no love
Her state doesn’t much see her as she’s driven to and fro
Behind black windows making VP winds to at her blow.

Arkansas is many things but not completely dumb
It’s resident are realizing they’ve been treated like scum
By an ambitious governor who doesn’t give a damn
About the job they hired her for because her main plan
Is rising above her former nationally-held position
By becoming primary ass kisser of Trump’s mission.

18 May 2024

‘Wierd position”: Sarah Saunders ripped for having ‘not much interest in governing Arkansas’

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