Friday, May 17, 2024

Legislate Today Away

North Carolina, Florida, and Texas all it seems
Are vying to be state most worthy of MAGA wet dreams
Florida and Texas traded leads in competition
Each time one or the other legislated some rendition
Of state MAGA policy restrictive as laws come
But suddenly North Carolina’s giving each a run.

To wear a mask in public in N.C. one cannot do
If a newly proposed law in that red state sails on through
Which means doctors cannot insist their waiting rooms must be
Maintained somewhat noninfectious through mask policy
And anybody with a cold must put face masks aside
And walk around in public sneezing flu germs far and wide.

Turning back the clock is the game MAGA states all play
To see which can most quickly legislate today away
And return to some mythic time when white men were in charge
And women knew their place and Blacks served rich Whites by and large
And medical science was trumped by ideology 
Which come to think of it is where red states are already.

17 May 2024

Proposed North Carolina law would make it illegal to wear masks in public 

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