Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Second Coming

Another Christian advocate of fascist tyranny
Has called a radio show to proclaim Trump’s not only
The Chosen One but God’s own Son!!! Donald is Jesus Christ!!!
Because in dreams she speaks with him and thus truth has enticed.

For proofs she cites his name which means the “ruler of the world”
And signature that looks like a crown due to letters curled
And the fact that he’s persecuted by those who’d him rend
And that’s about it, no more proofs to these does she append.

For her three proofs are plenty…will they also resonate
Throughout Dear Leader’s cult where Christian love equates with hate
For Democrats and immigrants and anybody who
Is not standing by to do what Trump orders them to do?

The crazies on Trump’s Tyrant Train are sure they’re headed to
Victory over Satan’s evil spawn of woke Dem spew
In the holy war Donald Christ ensures they’re sure to win
Because why else would God have sent his Son to them again?

22 May 2024

Nebraska Woman Calls Wyoming Radio Show, Claims Trump Is Jesus Christ

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