Thursday, May 23, 2024

The Lie Trick

Every day Trump tells another lie or two or three
And by the time the press discredits any more there’ll be
The ones found to best resonate with his cult he’ll repeat
So much they become truths from which his fine fools won’t retreat.

Swift shifting oft repeating lies are tools all fascists ply
To ensure truth cannot catch up with each lie passing by
Because by the time facts disprove the lie those facts address
Ten more lies vying for disproving complicate the mess.

The lie trick’s the same Tail Gunner Joe in the 50s used
To find Commies under all rocks he claimed to have pursued
The number of Commies he found kept changing lie by lie
Just like attendance numbers for Trump rallies long past by.

Trump’s self-claimed genius in one case really does exist
When it comes to lying he tops a very short list
Of truth manipulators who for short times get away
With shifting lies not disproven before lots more hold sway.

Deep in their minds Trump’s fine White cultists believe every lie
Is gospel truth imparted by the One Chosen On High
And since they’re convinced every word Trump’s pig lips squeal is true
Why would they wait for trailing facts to past lies see clear through?

 23 May 2024

Trump falsely claims Biden, FBI had plan to assassinate him during Mar-a-Lago search

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