Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Increased Expenses

If you are rich and White and therefore support Donald Trump
Because you want the quid pro quos which on you will dump
Provided you write checks to him in amounts he’d demand
This year your checks had better be far more than before planned
Because it’s an election year and so he is expecting
You to increase by large amounts the figures you’re projecting.

You’d better plan to a whole lot more cash towards him steer
Because his quid pro quos are much more expensive this year
He has to rake in lots more dough to pay mass legal fees
And fund his third Prez run that despite polls won’t be a breeze
And most importantly to restock his deleted coffers
That maintain golf games and other perks their money offers.

The check amounts you send this year you’d better multiply
By hundreds of percentage points if you expect your guy
To keep you in his good graces and against you not rail
For disloyalty because your cash did not prevail
In the competition to prove loyalty he runs
Which this year are more expensive than in all former ones.

28 May 2024

Trump makes sweeping promises to donors on audacious fund raising tour https://flip.it/ovLKS2

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