Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Way Long Overdue

Enough already! Take the kid gloves off and lock him up
End the special treatment with a trip to jail abrupt
Lock him in a dingy cell and throw away the key
For making of the judge's gag orders a travesty
He cannot shut his pig lips so accept that he won’t fail
To break his next gag order and for that SEND HIM TO JAIL!!!

Rumor has it Trump is terrified he could be locked
Away in jail but not because of gag orders he’s mocked
Defying judges’ orders is how he likes to confirm
His right to say whatever words he lets from pig lips squirm
That keep his ego stroked as criminal trials shut down
His power play ability to act as courtroom clown.

Those of us not in his cult are really sick and tired 
Of how Trump’s still been treated after all that he’s transpired
A slap on the wrist is all that he ever seems to get
For treason, tyranny, and coups to end our government
It’s time to shut his pig lips up so let jail time come through
Incarceration as his fate is WAY LONG OVERDUE!!!

1 May 2024

Trump is likely to violate his gag order again. Jail him if he does.

If Trump dares Judge Merchan to put him in jail the judge should happily oblige him

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