Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Holy Than Thou Hypocrites

First the state of Texas ruled there would be Hell to pay
If Bible lessons school curricula did not convey
Thus forcing Christianity down children’s throat daily
Because evangelicals run that state totally
It hardly matters if hypocrisy in that state’s found
In practices the opposite of those Christ did propound.

And now another hypocritical Southern state’s fight
To legislate church and state separation out of sight
Has reared its head down in Louisiana where a rule
Requires the Ten Commandments posted in each school
So what if those who passed that law are hypocritically
Breaking every commandment they’re forcing kids to see?

The Founding Fathers tried their best to head off at all passes
The place to where we’ve now arrived thanks to laws passed by asses
Whose “Holier Than Thou” attitudes convince them to make
Laws requiring compliance to laws they forsake
Trump’s the prime example of all hypocrites now preaching
Compliance with 10 rules they themselves un-Christ-like keep breaching.

29 May 2024

Louisiana to become the 1st state to require Ten Commandments be posted in schools

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