Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Crowd Size Lies

Apparently size matters if you’re desperate to win
And the crowds at your rallies grow increasingly more thin
And someone who’s not running gets each candidate choice day
A quarter of the votes you were sure would all come your way
And so you find you have to stoop to lies about crowd size
In a blue state where every time you’ve run they you despise.

And so you claim 100K or more there were for sure
In attendance at your rally on the Jersey Shore
Despite the fact all those who know the venue where you rallied
Say there’s not enough room to hold the crowd you have tallied
But like numbers you claim for wealth and length of mushroom dick
Crowd estimates aren’t amounts to which you ever truth stick.

And now your toady Roger Stone’s also under attack
For a picture of a crowd whose size you’ll always lack
Which he implied was the crowd who in Jersey did align
To hear you instead of a rock concert way back in time
So when asked about mountains in the picture he got pissed
And said Dems had no sense of humor about jokes they’d missed.

Ever since the largest crowd the world has ever seen
Hid under white tarps your crowd numbers for all events seem
To never approach anywhere near what you claim they are
Especially when cameras show empty seats near and far
So photos of old rock concerts are tricks you’re forced to play
To prove you’re still as popular as back in your heyday.

14 May 2024

“Phony Picture”: Donald Trump Slammed For Allegedly Lying About 100K Crowd At New Jersey Rally https://flip.it/UfTY-m

Roger Stone Blasted For Claiming 90’s Concert Photo Was Taken At Trump Rally https://flip.it/n7TBY1

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