Sunday, April 21, 2024


Trump was unhinged during the first week of his Stormy trial
And he’ll only get weirder which is bound to bring a smile
To those of us who hate his guts and await his comeuppance 
After his years of skating by on consequences bumkis
This time it looks like he has finally found he's in a pickle
Without a clue what to do because this trial’s not fickle.

Unhinged is such a lovely word when it’s applied to Trump
It summarizes where his mind goes when it takes a dump
Because his tricks in other trials in this one have found
Shoals of slow moving justice that have finally finely ground
His ass to where it’s been stranded outside the constant bubble
Of adoration it demands…finally the jerk’s in trouble!

Since Trump can’t play cards in this court like his “Poor Little Me” one
It's little wonder every day he sits there looking so glum
And totally befuddled by what’s going on around
Without a clue how to unglue his ass that’s run aground
On legal shoals of justice which all around him do snap
So hard all he can do is fart and take another nap.

21 April 2024

Trump was unhinged during first week of his hush money trial.  He’ll only get weirder.

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