Saturday, April 20, 2024

Nervous Expression

Another day, another nap, as Trump’s court case proceeds
Apparently he’s not getting as much sleep as he needs
And it seems he’s not also getting enough healthy food
To suppress the flatulence that his butt does exude
Into the courtroom constantly or so say sources who
Are sitting in proximity close enough to smell poo.

Maybe it’s the Adderral Trump is addicted to
But maybe not as nodding off does not that attest to
So maybe it’s his diet of Big Macs and Diet Coke
That the engines of his internal rumblings do stoke
And if not drugs or diet then another thing remaining
That could account for flatulence is nervousness restraining.

Mary Trump and other shrinks will tell you farts reveal
Expressions of nervousness when pig lips cannot squeal
Which is the case in Trump’s criminal trial wherein so
Many gag orders shut his mouth’s end the other lets go
To release the nervousness he feels into the air
Of the courtroom where it disgusts those attending there.

Cutting cheese while taking naps may be the legacy
Left behind by Trump’s behind…We’ll have to wait and see
As his trial wends its way throughout each coming week
And his pig lips aren’t allowed without penalty to speak
Will the smells his butt expels grow in putridity
Because his pig lips aren’t allowed to spew bullshit freely?

20 April 2024

Toot Toot! Donald Trump raises a stink in the courtroom - literally - and it's “putrid”

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