Monday, April 29, 2024


If Trump is found guilty QAnon nuts all agree
Something’s bound to happen but just what specifically
Not one can say with certainty because none can agree
Which among so many theories of conspiracy
Is the one that’s bound to come if Dear Leader’s convicted
Because their brain capacity by crazy’s been constricted.

Will convicting Trump result in enraged civil war?
Will the military be called in to slam war’s door?
Will indignant rage that all true patriot’ hearts fill
Be enough to make U.S. Marines back down and chill?
Will Trump win while in prison when the final vote count tally
Grants him the right to lead without need to from his cell sally?

The musing among QAnon nuts about what’s to come
If Trump’s found guilty by woke judges and jury pool scum
Ranges wide from cries to turn the tide of history 
By armed rebellion to what God intends for it to be
To certainty the deck’s been stacked by genius so stable
The stage is set for ignoring what “laws” claim they enable.

QAnon has no idea what’s going to happen if
Trump’s found guilty by the hunters of the evil witch
He represents to those unlike them who cannot see clearly
That they know God will protect he who He loves so dearly
So matter the verdict Trump will still come out ahead
Because his foes will be outvoted by them or made dead.

29 April 2024

QAnon nuts muse about what happens if Trump is found guilty

MAGA = QAnon = Trump’s GOP

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