Thursday, April 11, 2024


Lately jail is very much on Trump’s unstable brain
The thought he may end up in it is driving him insane
The result being as obsessions go it's one of two
Thoughts remaining in his insane brain that stick like glue
Only two obsessions in his brain can still attach:
1) Jail time fear as trials near, 2) How to foes dispatch.

Even in his cult a few may dimly perceive he
May not be quite as filthy rich as he has claimed to be
Because as more appeals from his schlock lawyers get rejected
He isn’t acting like a very wealthy man’s expected
Instead he’s constantly trying to make cash come his way
By whining about enemies and jail to costs defray.

I guess those who still worship the Chosen One believe he 
Is proving once again he’s brilliant by personally
Never paying for what he can get others to do
To foot the bill so smart people like him won’t their wealth screw
Thus his obsession with avoiding jail can’t supersede
The life he’s let without regret run on obsessive greed.

11 April 2024

Trump Openly Complains About Being Thrown In Jail In Unhinged Rant Against Court Cases

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