Friday, April 12, 2024

The Do Nothing Party

The do-nothing Republicans do nothing every time
Their do-nothing fringe element gets its ass off the dime
To vote to defeat again bills the majority need
To pass but can’t because nut cases make the party bleed
Incompetence each time a bill’s defeated by its few
Extremists who act only as Dear Leader tells them to.

The do-nothing Republicans find their bills turned to dung
By their fringe elements who make them dance to the tune flung
Into the face of those who can’t find votes that get around
The tiny voting block of extreme nut cases who pound
Into an ineffective effort bills that get upended
Because staying in Trump’s good graces each nut’s life’s depended.

The do-nothing Republicans for seven times have tried
To pass bills their fringe lunatics have made them cast aside
Into history’s dustbin which is where the party’s heading
Because its tiny nut case part keeps aiding and abetting
The orange tyrant wannabe with whom the party’s stuck
Because a few nut cases in it on Trump’s teats would suck.

12 April 2024

McGovern Blasts Republicans As “The Most Ineffective, Incompetent Majority in American History” 

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