Friday, July 23, 2021

Primrose Path

‘Death by vaccine hesitancy’ is the latest craze
Among Trump cultists who dear leader’s task force crap did praise
For leading them straight down the path where miracles, OK?,
With Hydroxy and lightbulbs would melt the virus away
But it turned out the primrose path they followed thanks to him
Led to chances of their survival a lot less than dim.

Trump started the mass exodus of his cultists from reason
By implying that vaccination equated to treason
Treason as defined by the mad orange pig-lipped one
And by the far-right media who pushed what he’s begun
And by Trump toadies who’ve lately done math and changed their tune
Far too little far too late to stop Trump’s cult death bloom.

But this poem’s not intended to about Trump cult deaths gloat
It’s to remind those getting sick who shoved death down their throat
Dear leader was the one who set them on their path to doom
With right-wing pundits prodding them along ‘ere their changed tune
And Trump’s worst wing-nuts mocking masks with laughs those sane appall
(Do the parents of that dead kid think Marge Greene will call?)

23 July 2021

Another Trump supporter dead from Covid-19. This is becoming a regular thing

Fox News has undermined the Covid-19 vaccine for months. Now it’s trying to blame ‘vaccine hesitancy’ on the left

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Laughs At Question Referencing Dead Children

‘You’re a monster!’: Marjorie Taylor Greene sparks outrage for rant against masking children after 5-year-old dies from COVID-19 in her district

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