Sunday, July 18, 2021

Dark Roads

It’s now an older story but it still deserves a poem
Because it so encapsulates things to which Trump is prone
Like not having a clue about laws that were passed to stay
Vacuous vile vindictive fools ordering blow away
Anyone they see as foes because their ego’s hurt
By leaks their cowardice led them to hunker down in dirt.

Trump wanted he or she who leaked his frightened bunker run
Thus proving of those who are brave he’s not a chosen one
To be ‘executed’ just like in Wild West days
When hangings and shoot outs were nothing to town folks amaze
As wannabe king he was sure it was his sovereign right
To order ‘executions’ of those who exposed his fright.

Imagine all the ‘executions’ Trump could order up
If he’s returned to office by Republicans corrupt
Whose gaslighting claims insurrection we watched on TV
Was just a visit by tourists as peaceful as could be
Trump’s second term in office he’d then use to justify
‘Executing’ all who cast votes bidding him goodbye.

How would mass ‘executions’ he’s then order up proceed?
Bullets cost a lot and there’s less rope than he would need
But maybe that’s why he said Hitler did some good things too
When faced with the same urge to push mass ‘executions’ through
Those border camps where he caged kids are pretty much cleared out
And to them fossil fuel buddies could pipe in gas, no doubt.

This small poetic fantasy is just an exercise
In about what could happen if we do not keep both eyes
On the current insane monster convinced God chose him king
And would thus justify mass ‘executions’ he could bring
Once reinstated through the efforts of GOP toads
Who pave the way for him to follow Hitler down dark roads.

18 July 2021

President Trump wanted whoever leaked about his run to the bunker during George Floyd protests ‘executed’

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