Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Bonkers Theory

Mike Lindell has now set the date and it’s August 13
When Donald Trump gets reinstated as tyrant supreme
MyPillow Guy says the clear evidence he’ll find by then
Will place Trump’s ass back on his golden throne above all men
Where he can again claim COVID will simply melt away
And invite vaccine-free friends back to Washington to prey.

The evidence MyPillow Guy says he’ll uncover soon
Will restore Trump as president and free his cult from gloom
And will throw dirty communists out on their commie ear
Whoever they are and wherever they lurk causing fear
To fine cult members who with Trump’s biggest big lie agree
And stand ready to fight to maintain racial purity.

If August 13th comes to pass and then passes away
Without clear evidence exposed there won’t be hell to pay
Because that August date signals the next after Jan 6
Trump’s dress rehearsal insurrection finally gets its fix
So although there’s no evidence MyPillow Guy can find
It will not matter to those who his bonkers theory’s primed.

Mike’s bonkers theory Trump and all his bonkers cult believe
And on August 13th their next Hill riot they’ll achieve
This time with AK-47s wrapped inside Trump flags
They’ll use to gun down communists, blacks, RINOs, libs, and fags
All who robbed their dear leader his landslide election night
They will put down Aug 13th when MyPillow Guy
says fight.

6 July 2021

Mike Lindell set August 13 as the date in his bonkers theory that Trump will be reinstated as president https://flip.it/9cbRB7

Mike Lindell has pinpointed the exact date that Trump will become president again so, uh, get ready for that https://flip.it/2uSlEO

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