Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Pitiful Pence

A moment please for poor Mike Pence, a sad pathetic putz
Who thinks the presidential door in his face no one shuts
And he can run and he can win because back on Jan 6
He chose the Constitution over being a toad snitch
And oleaginous sycophant and dumb clueless chump
But one small act of courage can’t him being asshole trump.

It’s really rather sad Pence is so deeply self-deluded
To think from being president he has not been excluded
And that somehow he has a shot despite Trump’s mocking hate
Against him which is not making his chance to win too great
All Trump cultists hate him, as do all Democrats en masse
So who does he believe is left supporting his dumb ass?

Self-delusion is a sorry state in which to dwell
Just look at Donald Trump self-contained in his big lie shell
But Trump still has his cult to con and through grift grab their dough
All Mike Pence has is Mother without whom he’d never go
Anywhere where women may be waiting in the wings
To seduce him, another case of self-delusionings.

So maybe pity is what poor pathetic Pence deserves
As from his belief in himself no iota he swerves
But why waste pity on a toad so sycophant before
Who groveled under Trump’s fat ass and kissed up from the floor
And who has no charisma yet still thinks that he can find
Voters left who’ll kiss his oleaginous behind.

6 July 2021

Mike Pence Twists into a Painful, Pointless Pretzel https://flip.it/kJezgL

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