Thursday, June 17, 2021

True Believers

Republicans still think Trump will be president again
Any day now he will “Prez” to his great name append
As back into the White House he will go with much fanfare
But how this comes about they neither have a clue nor care
Any day now he’ll be back of that they’re very sure
They know it must be so so why ask how it will occur?

Because he says that he was robbed and he’ll be reinstated
He has convinced them that he will be back and they’re elated
They place their faith in the MyPillow Guy’s investigation
Which any day now will reveal to the entire nation
Evidence so crystal clear the Supreme Court will say
“Welcome back, dear president, it’s reinstatement day!”

I hope they’re not holding their breath awaiting Trump’s return
Because if they are they will soon feel that deep inner burn
That comes from lack of oxygen not informing their brain
That Trump’s return as president is a belief insane
But like him they still live in hope MyPillow Guy comes through
And the title of president will again be his due.

You can lead cultists to belief but cannot make them think
Beyond believing robbed election vote counts really stink
And that dear leader will return to power any day
Once Pillow Guy uncovers facts that clearly blow away
All doubt that Trump was re-elected by stolen landslide
And under him again as president they’ll soon reside.

17 June 2021

Republicans Still Think Trump Is Going To Be President Again. Yup, Any Day Now

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