Monday, June 7, 2021


Trump has grown ever more consumed with ballot audit shit
And mental illness is the way to best understand it
It is not some grand strategy like three-dimension chess
It is that his brain is each day a more sick scrambled mess
As from the bottom of the barrel he's scraping advise
From those as sick as he is or maybe more sick by twice.

Maybe that bout with COVID is what divorced his sick brain
From what was left of sanity it flushed right down the drain
Or maybe it is just old age overtaking his genes 
That despite what quack doctors say aren’t healthy to extremes
Whatever the reason may be each day it grows more clear
That he is getting worse and that is something all should fear.

Republicans have trapped themselves into a downward spiral
By hoping that once Trump lost he would cease being so viral
They did not count on his brain failing to accept clear loss
So into history’s dustbin through him they will be tossed
Because as he grows crazier with every passing day
To defend him crazier statements their sick brains must say.

Where Trump’s descent into madness will end we’ll have to see
And on its way it will damage fragile democracy
Because bastards in both houses can’t find the balls or nerve
To from the path he’s placed them on back to sanity swerve
They say that mental illness is not contagious at all
But Trump is proving those who say so have made a bad call.

7 June 2021

Trump has grown increasingly consumed with ballot audits as he pushes falsehood that election was stolen

Donald Trump is getting worse

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