Sunday, June 6, 2021


In North Carolina last night back on the rally trail
Trump disinformed his followers with lies that never fail
About him being robbed because so many fake fraud votes
Were changed by Democrats who want, he said among his quotes, 
To run things as dictators if he can’t get them aborted
Which was his clearest projection that’s ever been reported.

Trump has been whining for so long it’s even getting old
Among some of his cultists who do not dear leader scold
They say that they were maybe hoping to hear something new
And not more repetition of the votes he claims he’s due
But just as his handlers worried every word he spoke
Was all about himself alone, thus repetitious joke.

Remember, he said, he is the one who’s trying to save
Democracy from Democrats who seek its early grave
And will rule as dictators if his win he won they robbed
Is allowed to stand without being once again non-mobbed
So send those small donations in and please do not equate
Dictatorship with what he serves on his projection plate.

Claiming Dem dictatorship is the clearest one yet
Of all projections Trump’s projecting from his orange neck
Ask anyone who has earned a psychology degree
And they’ll say as projections go it’s as clear as can be
That claims of those they see as foes in words they can’t retire
Is how dictator wannabes project inmost desire.

6 June 2021

Trump advances dangerous disinformation campaign as more states move to restrict the vote

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