Friday, May 14, 2021

Voter Fraud!

They have discovered a real case of evil voter fraud!
But it is a case Republicans find hard to applaud
Because it involves murder and then a fake vote for Trump
By one who murdered his wife, then cast her vote for the chump
And that is one of very few fake votes the right’s discovered
That belies billions of fake votes they say will be uncovered.

Republicans want desperately to prove that it is true
That at least billions of fake votes their dear leader did screw
But only a few votes so far they have found they can trace
To fake votes cast by those who kiss Trump’s ass, and so they face
A conundrum from which there seems to be no clear escape
From what they claim happened as opposed to fake vote’s landscape.

But a few fake votes from the right won’t their contention pound
They will keep claiming their claim of mass voter fraud is sound
And will keep searching far and wide for the fake votes they claim
Were cast by billions in all states to dear leader defame
While hoping that another murder does not come to light
To prove the fake vote tally they claim is nowhere near right.

14 May 2021

Man arrested in wife’s murder now accused of voting for Trump in her name

Trump voter in Colorado faces stunning voter fraud allegations

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