Friday, May 14, 2021


‘Misfits’ on a ‘Tourist Visit’ on Jan 6 we saw
Embarking on a friendly visit without brouhaha 
Proud Patriots in festive costumes from states far away
Had come to visit Congress on a nonviolent foray
And while there to hug and kiss friendly policemen they met
As peacefully they entered sacred halls of government.

All those who claim they watched a ‘riot’ play out on TV
Have been deceived by fake news broadcasts clearly as can be
The lame stream media’s cherry-picked images don’t show
How peacefully that friendly visit on the hill did go
Republicans who survived swear all images are phony
That reflect “insurrection’ and other left-wing baloney.

This alternate reality Republicans would build
Despite on that day getting close to getting very killed
Because they fear for their future they seek to change their past
By denying what left all those who witnessed it aghast
They strive to replace history with webs of lies they spin 
In which they’re entangled so tightly truth cannot get in.

Maybe if Pence had gotten lynched they’d have a tougher time
Convincing themselves and their voters everything went fine
Back on that day in history up on Capitol Hill
When “Misfits’ on a ‘Tourist Visit’ gave the world a chill
What happened remains clear to those whose eyes through lies can see
But not to those misfit by alternate reality.

14 May 2021

‘Misfits’ on a ‘Tourist Visit’: Some GOP lawmakers deny Capitol rioters did anything wrong

GOP actively constructing alternate reality to support Trump’s election fraud fantasy

What insurrection? Growing number in GOP are downplaying Jan 6

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