Monday, May 17, 2021

Final Flush

Unlike the Whigs Republicans are not going away
They’ve thrust on us a revolution that holds us at bay
Their dependence on fraud and deceit may bring their downfall
But right now it is we the people up against the wall
Their firing squad positions are circular so far
But they may yet get straightened out and not remain sub-par.

Unlike cheap wigs Republicans no bald spot treasons hide
They display big lie arrogance overtly with great pride
Because they are convinced that like Trump God chose them to rule
Because they all are lily white (except that one black fool)
So their fight against ‘socialism’ is newspeak in code
That covers all they’re doing to make black voting implode.

They’re desperate to remove all non-white voters from the fray
Because they know they cannot win in any other way
So vote suppression laws they’ve joined to gerrymandered maps
As ways to close anti-Republican vote-casters’ yaps
So non-majority rule wing-nuts in Congress remain
Where to get nothing but greed done one does not need much brain.

We are a nation in crisis Republicans have wrought
And freedom will be lost if those the orange conman’s caught
Continue to base all they do on big lie tyranny 
Because they believe God chose whites to rule eternally
Another revolution’s underway, this time the third,
And it’s still to close to call between flushed nation or turd.

17 May 2021

Republican lies have thrust America into its third revolution. We are a nation in crisis.

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