Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Another Sucker

Rudy does not want his records the feds seized to ooze
And so he’s asked the judge to agree they for now should snooze
Because they were not through subpoena politely requested
But taken during raids where he says his rights were rejected
Because he was so important as Trump’s lawyer before
They should have knocked politely and not battered down his door.

Rudy’s asking Trump to pay money he says Trump owes
To Rudy for defending Trump with a defense that blows
In places like that lawn and garden parking lot he used
To mount his comic defense with kook lawyers and black ooze
But Trump is having none of it and will not pay a dime
Which should be no surprise because he stiffs chumps all the time.

It looks like Rudy will soon be as screwed as he can be
For trying to defend his former client ineptly
Beneath the bus he’ll go without any further delay
Because the crook he defended treats everyone that way
You’d think by now those he screws would have figured how he works
And know defending Trump’s a job for unreimbursed jerks.

No matter how ‘distinguished’ Rudy as a ‘lawyer’ is
Or how ‘well known’ his ‘client’ is who’s giving him the biz
It will not help him in the case feds against him now build
His woes are thick as that black goo of which his head is filled
‘Truth will out’ they say and in poor Rudy’s case it’s true
He’s just another sucker who Trump used and then did screw.

18 May 2021

Giuliani asks judge to block review of records seized in raid on home, office https://flip.it/U8FF_N

Rudy Giuliani claims evidence should be inadmissible because he’s a ‘distinguished lawyer’ with a ‘well known client’ https://flip.it/se3wIG

Trump has blown off Rudy’s pleas for help as feds circle https://flip.it/fKK0Za

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