Friday, May 28, 2021


Republicans in the Senate are poised to kill what would
Uncover evidence they weren’t behaving like they should
Before what they claim was not an insurrection at all
Brought tourists wandering deep inside Congress’s main hall
Who they maybe perhaps helped prepare by revealing routes
The mob could use to gain access and thus are in cahoots.

Their cahoots are things they don’t want to ever come to light
And so they as a voting block have stuck together tight
To defeat a commission formed to then investigate
Stuff some among them fear will end with them not looking great
Via filibuster the commission they will kill
Before treason gets added into their corruption bill.

As parties go the GOP’s the party of bullshit
Masquerading as lawmakers to dig out of it
Desperate to hold on to power that will slip away
Unless they fight against laws their oath swore them to obey
So they have voted to defeat the one and only thing
That against treason in high office could light of truth fling.

28 May 2021

GOP Prepare To Block Capitol Riot Commission With Filibuster

After Delays, Republicans Poised To Block Bipartisan Capitol Riot Probe
Even some Republicans are baffled Mitch McConnell made sinking the Jan. 6 commission ‘a personal favor’

Senate Republicans filibuster Jan. 6 commission

Republicans blocking of the Capitol commission shows how deep the rot is

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