Thursday, May 27, 2021

Shifting Sand

Republicans stand firm against most everything there is
That in the past held darkness back and made evil go fizz
They are the party of a past that was for white folks great
Because blacks had no vote and knew that slavery was their fate
And robber barons could exploit resources with a will
Because everyone in that past wanted to fill their till.

Republicans stand firm against science and history
Fair elections and journalism aren’t their cup of tea
They do not like facts, truth, or any words but their own lies
That they repeat so often they grow to tremendous size
Because great big enormous lies are easier to say
When truth and facts are not allowed to get into their way.

Republicans stand firm but their stance is on shaky ground
Because their biggest lie of all into it they must pound
To justify being against all that we once held dear
That they and their dear leader chipped away at year by year
And offered in its place only those things they’re not against
Which they seek to force down our throats regardless of expense.

Republicans stand firm because they know their future’s bleak
As their number decreases day by day and week by week
And so they lie and gerrymander and voting laws change
To desperately that which guided our country rearrange 
And thereby hope the shaky ground on which they firmly stand
Their lies convince us is hard rock rather than shifting sand.

27 May 2021

Republicans Are Against Science, Elections, Democracy, Journalism - And You

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