Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Fox Schlock

In taking on Fox News for the schlock news station it is
The court brief filed against them really gives them the biz
It says they have no right to hide behind Amendment one
Because their hacks conspired to defend ‘the chosen one’
By planning with Trump’s lawyers (if Rudi can be so called)
To make sure the big lie they pushed on Fox was never stalled.

Bartiromo, Pirro, and Dobbs are the three hacks named
In the court brief because they so the public’s right defamed
By meeting with Trump’s lawyers before on-air interviews
To discuss softball questions that would not big lies abuse
And through those questions give each lawyer lots of on-air chance
To push the big lie as the election’s ‘true’ circumstance.

Pirro and Dobbs have always been Trump ass-kissing toads
So no surprise they functioned in such conspiracy modes
But what the hell has happened to the former money honey
Who traded her stock market news for lie defense so scummy?
Maria used to cause stock traders hearts to twitter-pate
Why has she gone to the dark side of the big lie debate?

It would not be so bad if she on Fox reported facts
But facts are something the Fox Network seriously lacks
So with regret I bid adieu to poor Maria B
Who left stock market news for big Trump lie conspiracy
I was so shocked when she became a Fox Trump Network toad
It’s too bad her ambition trumped her money honey mode.

14 April 2021

Fox News hosts accused of conspiring behind the scenes with Trump attorneys as network faces lawsuit

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