Tuesday, April 20, 2021

The Big Tease

The big tease that has started is ‘beyond seriously’
That Trump will run again post the year 2023
In ‘24, to be exact, he’ll maybe run again
Because he was robbed and is sick of being a has-been
And so his tease is on, will he or won’t he?, who can say?
I guess we’ll have to wait and see as he teases away.

Mary Trump, Psychologist, says he won’t again run
Because he won’t risk losing the same race he claims he won
Or would have won but then was robbed by Democrat foes bent
On forcing him to be the loser big lies can’t prevent
So his tease may have teeth because the way he can odds beat
Will be through all the ways Republicans can find to cheat.

So be prepared to every week ‘till 2024
Hear that he’ll run or maybe won’t or will run one time more
Or maybe won’t or maybe will, we’ll have to wait and see
Which will drive his Republican contenders up a tree
Their party cannot fully support new dogs in the fight
Until Trump tease is over and he says that it’s alright.
Republicans have hitched their wagon to the Trump tease star
And like us will just have to wait and see how very far
He teases his tease on until the election approaches
Disregarding others on whom his teasing encroaches
And at the last minute before it’s 2024 
He says he’s running or he’s not or will/won’t run once more.

20 April 2021

Trump says he is ‘beyond seriously’ considering 2024 run, but can’t discuss it for legal reasons https://flip.it/pxC6dm

Trump teases White House run in 2024, says he’s looking at it ‘beyond seriously’ https://flip.it/7rHit4

Trump panned for bizarre Sean Hannity interview on Fox News https://flip.it/5SlfNJ

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