Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Baseball Fans And Boycott Pans

Baseball has now joined the great Republican divide
From the realities sane people tend to take in stride
Republicans are much offended that the MLB
Authorities removed their All-Star game so rapidly
Away from Atlanta because new vote suppression laws
In Georgia have been forced down throats and stick in Baseball’s craws.

True fans were thrilled when Baseball returned like birds this past spring 
So even die-hard Trump cultist fans must be wondering
Why their dear leader would demand a boycott of baseball
And think that they’d stop watching what they’ve waited for since fall
Trump doesn’t know his cult mob well if he thinks those among them
Who are Baseball team fanatics would obey him and shun them.

Trump is a self-centered dumb shit who past himself can’t see
That when it comes to baseball boycotts his fans don’t agree
Because they’re also baseball fans and loyal to their teams
And so obeying stupid boycotts is beyond their means
But since he’s such a narcissist he never once expected
That his dumb baseball boycott command would be so rejected.

Baseball’s goal is to inspire, Trump’s goal’s to divide
Therefore it’s come to push and shove for both can’t coincide
And so Trump is shocked, shocked I tell you, his fans disagree
With his command because they also true baseball fans be
So his baseball boycott he can shove where the sun don’t shine
Because his baseball watching cult’s having such a great time.

14 April 2021

Americans pass time must inspire, not divide

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