Sunday, March 28, 2021


There are Trump wannabes appearing to the left and right
Each claiming they’re more wannabe than all others they fight
Or at least that’s what they all claim, it’s really hard to tell
‘Cause Trump set standards lower than the deepest pits of Hell.

When it comes to wannabes this new bunch strives to show
That they can out-Trump Trump in ways than even he’d not go
Which they claim is a positive to get themselves elected
To fill vacated Senate seats previously Trump-infected.

This newest crop of wannabes wannabe Trumps so bad
They promise to do stuff even he might consider bad
But that’s how low Republicans in deep Trump holes are digging
Because they can’t stop imbibing Trump kool-aid they’re all swigging.

28 March 2021

The seats opening in the senate for 2022 are already attracting terrible Trump wannabes

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