Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Vote Fraud Fraud

Vote fraud fraud down in Texas shines big and bright as can be
Their governor’s sleight-of-hand is a fraud wonder to see
Republicans across the land claim vote fraud as a rule
But bullshit artist Abbott is vote fraud fraud’s biggest tool
Texans think there’s vote fraud because his fraud fraud says so
So voter-suppression is how he wants Texas to go.

His fraud sleight-of-hand’s simple: sing vote fraud fraud loud and long
Until his state hears nothing else but his vote fraud fraud song
Constant singing about vote fraud becomes the fraud mean
Convincing whites voter-suppression to keep them supreme
Is needed to fight against vote fraud that fraud frauds enlist
To project vote fraud everywhere their fraud fraud songs insist.

And so fraud goes as vote fraud fraud becomes the battle cry
Of states convinced by bullshit governors vote fraud is nigh
Texas is just one state where the local GOP
Is lying to make vote suppression their win guarantee
It’s time for Democrats to overturn fraud defense rules:
Abolish the damned filibuster, suppress fraud fraud fools!

17 March 2021

People think there was fraud because we kept saying there was fraud, so now we need voter-suppression laws

Critics say ‘Scorched Earth’ threat over filibuster shows McConnell ‘getting scared’

Biden has one shot to stop Republicans’ voter suppression crusade

There’s no half-way to end the filibuster

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