Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Hate Smear

It's become open season on Asians apparently
Thanks to Trump and the ‘Chinese Virus” he called it glibly
Because Asian Americans all look alike to him
And are not white so is’s all right to make their type has-been
So in Atlanta Georgia six of eight who’ve been shot dead
Are Asians and therefore victims of Chinese hate smear he spread.

The Asian-hating season has again begun because
Trump smeared Asians with his glib ‘Chinese Virus’ hate smear clause
Which Keleigh MacEneny then parroted far and wide
To ensure fine white cult members could not Asians abide
The results of his Chinese smear campaign have manifested
In shooting deaths in Georgia due to one hate smear infected.

Again Asian Americans have come under the gun
As white supremacists struggle to remain number one
Black lives were bad enough to them but Asians now are worse
Because like Trump after someone who’s not like them they thirst
To blame for the big COVID mess Trump brought upon us all
Because they’d never blame him so to Asians blame must fall.

3,795 hate crimes so far
Have happened since Trump’s ‘Chinese Virus’ smeared Asians with tar
Who knows what other deaths await as white cult guns prepare
To blame with lead who do not look like them as game that’s fair
Maybe the guy was both a sex addict and racist creep
But his hate smear crime better make more than Asians lose sleep. 

17 March 2021

8 people, many of them Asian Americans, shot dead at Atlanta-area massage parlors

Trump’s “Chinese Virus” tweet helped fuel Anti-Asian hate on Twitter, study finds

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