Thursday, February 6, 2020


The “fat lady” released a tune that is sweet to MY ears!!!
The Donald 2.0’s now been released from his LAST FEARS!!!
MY “Senate” TOADS came through, of course, as ANY could predict
So like O.J. I GOT AWAY!!! Just one DARED ME “convict”!!!

I’ll DESTROY that Mormon Moron, he has COMEUPPANCE due!!!
He’ll be ONLY the FIRST TO GO before the next week’s through!!!
Nuke-‘Em Bolton I’ll LOCK UP and throw away the key
And because she TORE MY SPEECH UP!!! I’ll “release” Peelousy!!!

As for those Brane-Dead “Senators” who “think” I’ve “lessons” learned
It WON’T be long before I release what their “NO” VOTES!!! earned!!!
MY ACQUITTAL!!! releases ME from ANY last “restraints”!!!
Now ALL WILL see released from ME MY DEEPEST, DARKEST traits!!!

“Democracy” is DEAD to ME and SOON WILL BE to you!!!
Along with “Liberty” and “Honesty” and “Freedom” too!!!
Through ACQUITTAL!!! MY inner DICTATOR’S released IN FULL!!!
The ONLY “Lesson” I have “learned” is I’M INVINCIBLE!!!

So “plan” on hearing LOTS MORE “Perfect” calls put into play
To gather dirt I need to bury “candidates” away!!!
Who knows what OTHER “Perfect” CRIMES WILL be released by ME

6 February 2020

The trial is over. Trump won. Now get ready for the political fallout.

Are We Ready for Trump 2.0?

Trump’s impeachment acquittal shows how democracy could really die

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