Sunday, February 23, 2020


Who Cares why EVANGELICALS!!! “love” ME, their CHOSEN ONE???
Can I help it if I’m GREATER to them than their “god’s” “son”???
NO MATTER how many “kids” I’ve caged or “women” I’ve groped
On bended knee they WORSHIP ME at RALLIES!!! when provoked
By ME to HATE and PERSECUTE their “neighbors” on the LEFT!!!
ALL GOD-DAMNED, HELL-SPAWNED DEMONcrats who of “souls” are BEREFT!!!

It may be because like MY Brane their Branes also can’t “add”
To factor in “depravity” as something they “think” “bad”
Or maybe they just “calculate” since ALL I DO IS FINE
It is OK for ME to act “depraved” as some opine
It DOES NOT MATTER what they “think”, if even their Branes can,
What MATTERS is to them stuff like ABORTIONS!!! I WILL BAN!!!

ANYONE who “thinks” at all must “think” it kind of “funny”
To “think” “Jesus” bids them KILL “doctors” who’d take from a tummy
A BABY!!! because to “god” ALL LIFE’S SACRED!!! except that
That would perform an ABORTION!!! at the drop of a hat!!!
That’s just ONE “contradiction” MY EVANGELICALS!!! hold
In their NOTHING “adds up” Branes that BELIEVE ALL I’ve them told!!!

It is upon such “contradictions” MY GREAT GOD-CON works!!!
To “think” they “think” their “JESUS LOVES ME”!!! Jesus!!! they’re SUCH JERKS!!!
To ME they’re MANY “Christian” VOTES!!! and I NEED EVERY ONE!!!
So I WILL keep CONvincing them their “Jesus” “loves” a SCUM!!!
And “he” says it’s OK to HATE and SLAY if in “his name”
To ENSURE HE WHO GOD-CONS them does “President” REMAIN!!!

23 February 2020

Decoding the Christian paradox: Evangelical historian explains how right-wingers ignore Jesus to support a corrupt and greedy president

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