Saturday, January 11, 2020

Where It’s Due

It’s up to ME ALONE to DEMAND “credit” where it’s due
Because those handing out AWARDS!!! SO MANY TIMES ME SCREW!!!
SO MANY things I have ACCOMPLISHED as the “President”
THE MOST IN HISTORY!!!, but still they tell ME to get bent!!!
EVERY AWARD!!! THERE IS should be AWARDED!!! to ME!!!
Let’s just review some “facts” and I’m SURE you WILL ALL AGREE!!!

I have avoided MANY WARS!!!, each of TREMENDOUS size!!!
And for so doing should have gotten that “Noble Peace Prize”!!!
In “fact” I should have “THREE” by now, “one” for EACH year to date
That I as “President” have kept WAR!!! OFF the WHOLE WORLD’s plate!!!
And AS ALL KNOW if CROOKED HILLARY had gotten in
By now we’d be in MANY WARS!!! They’d be up to our chin!!!

I HELPED that guy who got that PRIZE in “Africa” this year!!!
We should have AT LEAST “shared” the “credit”, that is VERY CLEAR!!!
So What if I DON’T “know” who he is and he’s NOT met ME???
I’m SURE he was INSPIRED by MY “NO WARS!!!” policy!!!
I’ve INSPIRED the WHOLE WORLD so why NOT a sh*thole chump???
NO DOUBT I should get CREDIT!!! for ending WAR!!! in his dump!!!

Thanks to MY FIGHT!!! AGAINST “Obamacare” eternally!!!
I’ve “convoluted” “Health Care” so much NO ONE DARES get sick
Because they do NOT have a CLUE which “policy” to pick!!!
“Cancer” may still be around but FEWER now show up
To see “doctors”, therefore “cancer” “statistics” I’ve made SLUMP!!!

Why SHOULDN’T MY “administration” get “credit” for that???
I have DEMANDED we AGAINST “Obamacare” stand pat!!!
Maybe “cancer’s” NOT YET beaten but “stats” are WAY DOWN
And I’m the one who should get CREDIT!!! I “Obama” POUND!!!
At EVERY RALLY!!! I MOCK him for EVERYTHING he’s done
So LOWER “cancer” CREDIT!!! should be due THE CHOSEN ONE!!!

And that’s just “two” AWARDS!!! for which due credit should be due
To ME ALONE!!! I WILL make those AWARD!!! “non-givers” RUE
Their “history” of NOT AWARDING!!! ALL AWARDS!!! to ME!!!
I ALONE DESERVE THEM ALL as plainly as can be!!!
And if I do NOT get ONE soon, followed by MANY MORE,
“Cancer” “stats” I’ll make SKYROCKET through NUCLEAR WAR!!!

11 January 2019

Trump goes out of his way to take a bow, again

President Trump takes credit for dropping cancer rates, but proposed cutting health research funding. He says he saved Ethiopia.

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