Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Steal Legacy

Once again it’s time to hit the “military’s” pot
To grab as MUCH as I can get to “fund” MY Great WALL plot!!!
Amidst ALL the IMPEACHMENT!!! CRAP MY WALL’s!!! taking back seat
But NEVER in MY Brane!!! I STILL “think” it that it’s REALLY NEAT!!!
A towering steel LEGACY stretching from sea to sea
But in order to get it up I MUST “steal” MORE MONEY!!!

I HAVE TO “steal” because MEXICO has REFUSED to pay
Even though I said they would at RALLIES!!! every day!!!
Well, that was then and this is now, “reality’s” set in
Thank “god” BASE “Branes” have “memories” like MINE so VERY thin!!!
I had to get the MONEY!!! somewhere, steel does NOT come cheap
So Why Not from the “Pentagon”??? It has pockets SO DEEP!!!

Just because I yet AGAIN may start a Mid-East WAR!!!
Does NOT mean I should NOT “steal” from “Defense” a little MORE!!!
They have PLENTY, I tell you, so I’m SURE they WILL get by
NO MATTER how MANY MORE WARS!!! I start up on the fly!!!
And with the “7 point 2” BILLION!!! I intend to “steal”
My Bright Shining steal LEGACY soon really may get real!!!

So far NOT MUCH has gotten “built” to hold TERRORISTS!!! back!!!
A mile or two ONLY stands between “us” and ATTACK!!!
And of course I BLAME DEMONcrats for MY WALL’s SLOW ERECTION!!!
But SO MUCH of the “funding” that I “stole” initially
Has been “diverted” to RICH “Friends” there’s NOT MUCH “taste” for ME!!!

That’s why I have to GROPE for MORE to support MY WALL!!! case
And to ENSURE this time around I get MORE than a “taste”!!!
In the MOB “world” I inhabit “taste” is NOT called “kick-back”
It’s simply called the “price one pays” to keep “projects” on track!!!
So to get MY WALL!!! and “taste” back on track it’s time to “steal”
ALL I can from MY “Defense Funds” BEFORE MY WAR!!! gets “real”!!!

14 January 2019

Trump to divert an extra $7.2 billion from military for border wall, reports say

Trump Abuses Power Again, Steals $7.2 Billion from Pentagon for Border Wall


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