Friday, January 31, 2020

Pawn Pressure

Susan “First to Go” Collins WILL be the FIRST TO GO!!!
Then after her Milt Morman and Murklousy pay a fine
They’ll ALSO be DESTROYED if they DARE to step out of line!!!
If “one” MORE TRAITOR then VOTES!!! their way ALL HELL WILL break lose!!!
I’ll have to subject that “Chief Justice” to INTENSE ABUSE!!!

If just “four” TRAITORS VOTE!!! for WITNESSES!!! it’s plain to see
That by INTIMIDATION ONLY WILL I remain free!!!
If ANY so-called “testimony's” allowed to be heard
The so-called “truth” could be REVEALED by some Damn WITNESS!!! turd
And it is getting HARDER to DENY ALL being said
I DON’T have room to hold enough DENIALS in MY head!!!

I have to find a “clever” way to quickly turn the screws
To ensure that so-called “Chief Justice” ensures I DON’T LOSE
Apparently they’re telling ME “YOU’RE FIRED” WILL NOT do
Because that bastard reigns for LIFE just like intend to!!!
What kind of “offer” can I make that he CANNOT REFUSE???
I have to PRESSURE him somehow!!! What is the RIGHT ABUSE???

Maybe “Jane” and “Jack” and “Josie” are the keys I need
To guarantee his LOYALTY to ME is guaranteed!!!
If they all “disappear” prior to his VOTE!!! being cast
He’ll “know” I DO NOT MESS AROUND and come around at last!!!
And ONLY if he VOTES!!! AGAINST ALL WITNESSES!!! he’ll see
Once again his “Family” coming back to him...maybe...

Or MAYBE NOT, OK???, because they still may have some use
To ensure ALL “Supreme Court” “cases” go the way I CHOOSE!!!
TurtleMan has packed the “lower” courts, but at the top
There still remains potential for a LIBERAL!!! shoe to drop!!!
I therefore must APPLY PRESSURE to MAKE him VOTE!!! MY WAY!!!
And his “Family” WILL make Fine “pawns” in the Great “game” I play!!!

31 January 2019

Susan Collins becomes first Republican senator to say yes to witnesses in impeachment trial

John Roberts’ Moment of Truth

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