Thursday, January 30, 2020


Alan Dearthofwitz is NOT WRONG!!! when it comes to ME!!!
He ALONE “knows” MY pending ACQUITTAL!!! is the KEY
Allowing ME to do WHATEVER things I CHOOSE to do
To ensure that MY RE-ELECTION!!! EACH “four” years comes through!!!
Like digging up dirt on OPPONENTS!!! by exerting pressure
On so-called “foreign” “Presidents” who “know” that they had BETTER!!!

Dearthofwitz is SO NOT WRONG!!! about MY RIGHT to soar
SO HIGH ABOVE ALL “laws” on Earth that NONE can on ME score!!!
Therefore NOTHING I do’s “illegal” to MAKE SURE I WIN!!!
That’s what ALL “leaders” get to do once CORRUPTION sets in!!!
And Dearthofwitz “knows” ALL about CORRUPTION, BELIEVE ME
Because I “wrote the book” with which MY “lawyers” ALL AGREE!!!

Like ALL MY “lawyers” he has given MUCH MORE than a BUCK
To MY RepubliSCAM TOAD “jury” so they’ll run amok!!!
Because DESPITE his “legal arguments” so CRYSTAL CLEAR
A bit of “jury tampering” ENSURES he’ll buy their ear
And they in turn WILL buy ALL “legal arguments” he’ll make
NO MATTER HOW “absurd”, because they ALL are on the “take”!!!

That “take” ENSURES I FORSAKE what’s left of “Democracy”
Thus PROVING how quickly a so-called “tyrant” comes to be!!!
Thanks to Dearthowitz and MY OTHER TOADY “legal team”
AUTHORITARIANISM WILL arrive on the scene!!!
Once I have been ACQUITTED!!! and taken MY VICTORY LAP
At MY “State of MY Union” ALL “Democracy” I’ll SCRAP!!!

30 January 2019

Alan Dershowitz argues presidential quid pro quos aimed at reelection are not impeachable

Dershowitz says his impeachment argument was misinterpreted

Alan Dershowitz Pouts About Being Legal Laughingstock

Alan Dershowitz Is Wrong

McConnell recently received major donations from Trump’s impeachment lawyers

White House will use State of the Union for impeachment victory lap

‘How far Trump will go?’ Terrifying portrait of GOP-vindicated president painted by columnist

The God President

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