Monday, January 6, 2020

Onward Christian Fascists

Onward, “Christian” Fascists, marched like sheep to WAR!!!
Worship TRUMP exclusively,  your “God” evermore!!!
So What if occasionally he gropes some bimbo???
He’ll DESTROY ALL Satan-Spawned Dems with Tweet Storms a-glow!!!

Onward, Conned Christ-lovers, defend Orange-skinned scum!!!
“God” himself placed TRUMP on Earth to be THE CHOSEN ONE!!!

From his narcissistic ego sanity doth flee!!!
Kids in cages attest to his lack of empathy!!!
“Morality” quivers at his daily shouts of RAGE
EVERYTHING is ALL ABOUT HIM, writ large on each page!!!

TRUST TRUMP, so-called “Christians”, he’ll bring VICTORY
To the “faith” you follow: “Gospel of Prosperity”!!!

Like a mighty army moves TRUMP’s voices in his head!!!
He WILL NOT be satisfied until ALL are dead
Who oppose WHATEVER he believes in ANY way
Even if his voices change it every single day!!!

Onward, “Christian” TRUMP completely duped hypocrites all
Ignore Christ’s “love” message, heed ALONE TRUMP’s siren call!!!

OTHER crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane
But the CULT of DONALD TRUMP NOTHING can restrain!!!
Decency will NEVER against his Great WILL prevail
If you “Christian” suckers endorse acts beyond the pale!!!

Goose Step, Evangelicals, with jack-boots a-shine!!!
Your GOD TRUMP can’t lose as long as you buy EVERY line!!!

Onward then, ye Wealth-gospeling, Greed-defending throng
Suppress ALL morality, with TRUMP play along!!!
Glory, laud, and honor ONLY Great GOD TRUMP your KING!!!
Denying what Christ taught ensures his empowering!!!

Onward, Christian Fascists, led like sheep to WAR!!!
Place TRUMP on a pinnacle, PROFITS!!! to adore!!!

6 January 2019

Trump Is Holding His First 2020 MAGA Rally at a Tax-Exempt Megachurch

Trump tells evangelicals, 'We have God on our side' for 2020 election; hails end of Soleimani’s 'bloody ram...

'He was sent to us': at church rally, evangelicals worship God and Trump

Onward, Christian fascists

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