Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Male Sack Follow-Up II

I formerly planned to throw Plump Play-Dough under the bus
But after re-consideration I “think” he’s a PLUS!!!
After all he ONLY did those things I him empower:
MOCKING the so-called “free press” and making “women” cower!!!
That “Mary Louise” LOSER has PROVEN to ME again
That NO “woman” could EVER BE as SMART as MANLY MEN!!!

So What if she went to “Harvard” and “Cambridge”??? La-De-Da!!!
I “suggest” she’s an IDIOT!!! The WORST ALL EVER saw!!!
Pompous had the RIGHT to “challenge” her with his BIG MAP
And SWEAR at her for DARING to give a MANLY MAN CRAP!!!
So instead of under the bus I now WILL RAISE HIM HIGH
I’ll place him on a PEDESTAL for being SUCH A GUY!!!

We’ve already STOPPED NPR from flying to “Ukraine”
So if Pompous can “locate” it his trip WON’T be in vain!!!
I have NO “idea” what he’ll do once he deplanes somewhere
But at least uppity “women” “reporters” WON’T be there!!!
He may get Ghouliani’s CONSPIRACY!!! back on track
Since “Mary Louise” LOSER WON’T be around TALKING BACK!!!

So-called “reporters” who DISPUTE things MY POMPOUS TOADS say
Like “Mary Louise” LOSER WILL NO LONGER get to play!!
They WILL NOT get fly with MY GUYS someplace on a jet
And I’ll “suggest” they’re IDIOTS in EACH Tweet Fart I let!!!
Thus POMPOUS PIECE OF SH*T Plump Play-Dough has PROVEN his worth!!!
He WILL BE FINE as long as he gives “college” SLUTS WIDE berth!!!

28 January 2019

Surprise: Trump Praises Mike Pompeo for Cursing Out Reporter, Suggesting She’s an Idiot

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