Friday, January 17, 2020

Lunch Programming

“Kids” should eat the things they “like”,  NOT CRAP they THROW AWAY!!!
NO “kid” has EVER liked to eat their “Vegetables”, OK???
And as for “fruits” just ask Dense Mike Pence what he thinks of them!!!
He’ll tell you ALL “straight” CHRISTIAN “kids” “know” they are NOT YOUR “Friend”!!!
So I HEREBY today DECREE “school lunch program”-ing CHANGED!!!
And thank MY “Food Industry” “Friends” for how it’s re-arranged!!!

First of all “Veggies” are OUT and STARCHY CARBS are IN
To help “Potato Industries” whose PROFITS!!! have grown thin!!!
MY “Friends” in the  “Spud Industry” gave ME the Great “idea”
To PUSH CHIPS and FRIES and towards them ALL “school children” steer!!!
By so doing they GUARANTEE their CARB PROFITS!!! WILL GROW!!!
AND THEY’ll give ME a BIGGER “taste” than ANY “taste” I “know!!!

Meanwhile the “ChickenMan” in MY “Cabinet” leads the way!!!
He’s INCREASING “Industry” PROFITS!!! So What if “kids” “pay”???
“Obesity” and “Diabetes” are EACH a DUMB “term”
“Doctors” may use but NO “school kid” should EVER have to “learn”!!!
“Kids” are TOO YOUNG to “understand” or “care” about “health”!!!
But it is NEVER TOO EARLY to use them to GROW WEALTH!!!

17 January 2019

Trump Administration Moves to Undercut Michelle Obama’s School Lunch Rules

Trump administration targets Michelle Obama’s school nutrition guidelines on her birthday

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