Friday, January 10, 2020

Powers Act

They must be CRAZY in the “House”, EVEN MORE NUTS than ME
To “think” that they can place a “limit” on MY DESTINY!!!
NOTHING “Congress” does has “mattered” to ME since DAY ONE!!!
There are NO “limits” to the POWERS!!! of THE CHOSEN ONE!!!
I HEREBY DECLARE “null and void” their dumb “War Powers Act”

SO what if some “RepubliSCAMS” cast their VOTES!!! AGAINST ME???
As many DEMONcrats or MORE VOTED!!! to let ME be!!!
It is a “House” I have DIVIDED SO COMPLETELY now
That it CANNOT EVEN AGREE on sounds made by a cow!!!
Thus I “consolidate” MY POWERS!!! (It’s “MOO”, by the way)
By making the so-called “working Congress” SO YESTERDAY!!!

With “Congress” SO fragmented and MY “courts” packed to the hilt
ALL POWERS!!! rest with ME ALONE!!! NONE them from ME can tilt!!!
“Free Press” I’ve GASLIGHTED into a sorry FAKE NEWS!!! JOKE
What I ALONE say IS IS to those wearing MY CULT yoke!!!
There is NO “institution” left to place “restraints” on ME!!!
A THOUSAND-YEAR REICH has begun for DAS STRUMP “family”!!!

Someday I’ll pass MY grip on POWER!!! to “daughter” or “son”
And go back to counting MY MONEY!!! and paying tax NONE
Until then I’ll “consolidate” ALL POWERS!!! that I NEED
To make MY REIGN the GREATEST in the “history” of GREED!!!
And when that “history” looks back it WON’T have to ask “Why???”
It WILL by then be obvious ALL POWERS!!! NOT MINE DIE!!!

10 January 2020

House Passes War Powers Resolution In Effort To Restrict Trump's Actions Against Iran

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