Saturday, March 2, 2019


My fine WHITE Base is stuck on ME and I am stuck with them
They give ME ALL the PRAISE I crave and NEVER ONCE condemn
Way back when I said I could shoot someone and get off free
They roared out their approval and they have since constantly
I can’t get TOTAL “percent numbers” over 38
But among ALL “Republicans” MY “percentage” is GREAT!!!

I “swore” an “oath of office” when I took this stupid job
It said it was MY job to “lead” the WHOLE damn country’s mob
But from East Coast to West Coast MANY “LIBERALS” OPPOSE ME!!!
Those who can do “math” tell ME they’re a “large majority”
Why should I bother “leading” THEM, they do NOT mean a thing
Unlike MY 38% they DON’T MY PRAISES sing!!!

Above MY “rising tide of troubles” I’ll “cling” to MY Base
They are MY life raft on Blue oceans seeking MY DISGRACE!!!
With THEM I WON’T “abandon ship”!!!, with THEM I’ll STAND MY GROUND!!!
They guarantee MY ”senate” toadies get to stick around
And that’s MY bottom line, I HAVE TO keep MY “senate” RED
With 38% ALONE “survival” odds are DEAD!!!

Thank “God” MY 38% thinks GOD SELECTED ME
To be their “President” for LIFE and ALL ETERNITY
They forgive EVERYTHING I do and ALL I’ve EVER done
When I decide to shoot that guy they’ll ALL provide a gun
They have PLENTY to spare from arsenals accumulated
And as long as the “senate’s” RED “Gun Rights” WON’T be debated.

So that’s how things are stuck for now, MY Base is stuck on ME
And I am stuck with them if I want to keep MY ass free
Without the THREAT of “votes” withheld from “senate” toadie scum
There would be ANOTHER “blue wave” and I would be undone
I’m told that 38% is NO “majority”
But combined with TWO “senate” seats it’s ENOUGH to SAVE ME!!!

2 March 2019

Trump's Base Clings Tight Despite Rising Tide of Troubles

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