Friday, March 1, 2019


I am so NOT a “sociopath”!!! I am just “intense”
I HAVE TO BE to WIN EACH TIME regardless of expense
“Expense” I do NOT “measure” by the MONEY I DON’T pay
I much prefer to stiff dumb LOSERS at least once a day
And as for “empathy” for “others”,  since I ALONE “count”
Why “care” about “others” who will to NOTHING MUCH amount???

To Hell with that “psychiatrist” and his so-called “assessment”
I am a STABLE GENIUS and a sure-WIN investment
That “shrink” said that MY “mental disturbance” was quite “severe”
And that it was “continuous” (that means from year after year)
But I say he’s an IDIOT who’s WAY MORE NUTS than ME
So what if he went to “Harvard” SNOB “university”???

He said that there were SEVEN things I do that prove I’m “nuts”
But HE’s the NUTCASE, BELIEVE ME, no ifs or ands or buts
I am the Greatest “President” that’s EVER been before
If ANYONE does NOT agree I’ll challenge them to WAR!!!
And WARS I’d WIN because I “command” LOTS of tanks and planes
He’d better take it back about “sociopathic” branes!!!

1 March 2019

Harvard psychiatrist breaks down Trump's 'severe, continuous, mental disturbance'

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