Friday, January 18, 2019


Cohen thinks he’ll “testify” against ME but he’ll LOSE
I’ll shut him up by making an “offer” he CAN’T refuse
I’ll threaten to go after his father-in-law, and then
I’ll scare his wife and crippled daughter by threatening them
There is NO LOW to which I’ll stoop to shut that TRATOR up
There’s NO WAY I WILL LET HIM EXPOSE the ways I’m corrupt!!!

It’s time to take the gloves off (and I still have one around
I wish that I had the other Mike gave to that nerd clown)
I WILL play rough without “remorse”, the “country” is NOT ME,
I AM FAR MORE IMPORTANT than so-called “democracy”
To keep MY MONEY flowing and protect MY orange ass
I WILL DESTROY Mike Cohen by giving his kin NO pass.

I am MORE than a “Godfather” and MORE THAN GOD, OK?
Pence assures ME MY evangelicals ALL feel that way
The TRAITOR Cohen WILL NOT “testify”, I’ll make him FAIL
By making him an offer that is MUCH MORE worse than jail!!!
I WILL take his whole family out, EVERY ONE I WILL crunch
They CAN’T INDITE ME and I CAN DESTROY his whole damn bunch.

18 January 2019

BuzzFeed’s Michael Cohen story, if true, looks to be the most damning to date for Trump

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