Saturday, July 13, 2024

Poll Goals

If you believe all recent polls intent on telling you
Trump leads in every swing state and Joe Biden’s time is through
Then there’s no point in voting to try to your country save
Because polls say there’s no way votes can save it from the grave
Of fascism that’s ushered in after November’s vote
So why try to pry MAGA’s hands away from freedom’s throat?

If you believe the end is nigh as recent polls confirm
There is no way to away from dictatorship now squirm
If polls say there’s no way your votes can stop MAGA’s onslaught
Into all halls of government then you’ll likely as not
Give up before November comes because you’ll see no point
In trying to stop MAGA’s goal to Dear Leader anoint.

But past polls did once guarantee that Hillary would win
And smash the ceiling of glass those polls proved she’d made so thin
If you remember them remember too times that your vote
Combined with millions of others to counter polls that quote
As truth the side that must win or lose election’s dice throw
And throw votes against polls that prove there’s no point to polls go.

13 July 2024

Joe Biden is likely to win in November. Here’s why.

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